We’re all in this together

, We’re all in this together

With Governor Pritzker’s recent Executive Order, our community has been urged to stay home as much as possible. That makes it more important than ever to have a secure roof to stay home under. For this reason, CRC’s crews are working and ready to help those who need new roofs, or necessary repairs to their homes, while taking all the recommended precautions to help prevent the spread of the virus.

We see every opportunity to work with you as an incredible privilege, and with that privilege comes some important responsibility. We want you to know that we are taking very specific steps to ensure your health, as well as the health of our installers and service technicians, during this difficult time:

  • We will be practicing a safe distance policy with each customer and on all worksites.

  • We will constantly be screening the health of all of our employees. If any team member displays any cold, or flu-like symptoms, they will be required to stay home.

  • We will ensure that each work crew sanitizes everything before going to any project site, and will continue to sanitize throughout the day. And by everything, we mean EVERYTHING – vehicles, tools, equipment, phones, tablets, devices, product samples, and anything else we might bring to your home. Our team members will of course be sanitizing their hands all throughout the day, as well.

  • Essentially, we’re going to do everything within our power to maintain the safest conditions possible for you, your family, and for our own team.

This is an uncertain time for the world, for local businesses like us, and for communities and families. Let’s encourage each other, stay positive, and follow common-sense health advice. We hope you use this time to be with loved ones and safely support the groups and businesses that are important to you. And we’ll be here for you, to keep the home you’re sheltering in safe, warm and dry.